Dallas Graffiti - Debt (316).JPG

Crazy Story: Debt

Crazy graffiti story by Dallas graffiti writer Debt



We see this dope ass roof spot. So, it was me, this girl I used to write with my friend, one of the few black writers in Dallas, it was the 3 of us. So, you have me, a chick and black dude up on this rooftop and so, I’ve always been into hip hop, so I was wearing these clothes, they were camo and baggy and shit. It was cold out, it was winter and so I’m wearing a beanie and shit. So, we’re painting, and the business of the building we were on top of was open 24/7, not knowing the business was open 24/7, we keep stomping around on the roof while painting. Stepping up, stepping back, painting painting painting and the spot is chill. So, we are stomping around, and the girl writer is all I can’t get this fucking can to work. My friend is over there asking what colors to use. So, I’m helping her with her can and helping him with his piece, being the poppa of it all in the middle of it all.

Basically, it was a chill spot and we were taking our time. And so, we keep stomping and stomping and my friend says, “I think I am hearing something”, and I’m like nah no you’re not. So, he goes over and goes holy shit it’s a cop and I go, no fucking way! What the fuck. So, the both of walk over dressed in all black with our hoods on, cuz it’s cold. We were wearing baggy shit, with hoods and beanies on and we look over, the cop is out of his car and he is looking up with his flashlight and boom he sees us, we see him. And he fucking freaks out and goes GUYS WITH CAMO, GUYS WITH CAMO. Rooftop! He starts saying where we are at. And we run back, and we are doing the curly shuffle, we have nowhere to go, we are on a rooftop, and as we are panicking trying to figure out what the fuck to do. All these DPD cops show up man, and we are just surrounded, fucking surrounded and we go we are done, we’re fucked. So, we just walk over, nowhere to go, nowhere to jump to and they are doing that shit where they have the doors open and they are behind pointing guns up at us. Shotguns out and everything. The girl is still over in the corner trying to still fucking hide, I don’t know what the fuck she is doing. Me and my friend are like we have nowhere to go, let’s just hands up it. So, I’m like this (motions hands up), with my hands up and my friend is like this (shows hands in his hoodie) with his hands in his pockets because it’s cold out, stupid mother fucker. And he’s black… you know. I go hey hey hey, we give up and the cops start yelling, GET YOUR HANDS UP and they're all like cocking their fucking shotguns. And I go no no no, don’t shoot, we are unarmed! And they shout to my friend, get your hands out of your pockets! And I look over at him and I’m like get your hands out of your fucking pockets dude! I saw my life flash before my eyes. I’m fucking skinny as fuck back then, probably 100 pounds back then, but at this point I’m young.

So, there was an 18-wheeler to stock up the business, so we jump from the building to the 18-wheeler. And we’re shouting we are going to jump from here to the 18-wheeler, just don’t shoot! They are like don’t do it! And I was like what the fuck do you want us to do, jump off the fucking building? So, we are trying to climb down, I go first, and I get all the GI Joe white cops, and they fucking hated me man, I’m barely climbing down, and my feet are dangling, and they just reach up and rip me down. They just slam me on the ground and I just bounce, surprised I didn’t get knocked out. It did knock the breath out of me though and as soon as I try and take my first breath, all these knees start bashing on my neck and my back and I just remember I started blacking out and I start gasping for air and they actually landed me on a puddle and it’s cold outside and I just remember feeling like every layer get soaked and they’re just there on me, and make my arm go all the way over and I’m like I’m not resisting! So, my face is just squished to the ground and knees all on my back and remember feeling the road rash on my face and I was looking up, my friend, who is black, like I mentioned, he gets the black cops and he is coming down, they helped him down gently, like are shitting me?! They basically did this for the mother fucker (cradle motioning) and they were like “come here brother” haha and I remember going like this with my face smushed and said it out loud like WHAT THE FUCK! And they get him down, he is standing up, they didn’t slam him down and just said put your hands behind your back like getting arrested for traffic warrants, like just harmless shit. Then the girl writer comes down and she is all hooded up and I’m like that’s a girl, that’s a girl, just be nice, don’t treat her like that, that’s not a boy that’s a girl. We’re just doing graff. Then luckily, she got the lady cops and help her down, liked they helped him down all gentle. Fuck, so yea we go to jail and all that shit, face a judge, had to serve about a month. That night was fucking crazy.